family feudWelcome to our Recovery Family Feud questionnaire. Our recovery community is hosting an NA event, which will feature a recovery-style Family Feud game.

Please take some time and fill out the fun questions below with some short answers.  It should take you less than five minutes to complete.  When finished, hit the "submit" button at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your service.

Least Followed Suggestion by Newcomers...

Name the most commonly visited website by an addict...

Name an addict's favorite cliche'

What is the first thing an addict wants to buy when they get clean?

Name an excuse for not going to treatment...

Name an excuse for not calling your sponsor...

Most fun thing to do clean...

Name an addict's favorite caffeinated drink...

Name something an addict would be doing instead of listening in a meeting.

How long does it take two addicts to fall in love?

Name something an addict cant live without.

Name a spiritual principle that newcomers struggle with the most.

Whats the most common first name for an addict?

Name a daily suggestion.

Name the top downloaded app for addicts

Name a dangerous occupation for addicts

Name something an addict will say to end a relationship.

Whats the most likely thing that will lead to a relapse?

What's the most important type of service work?

What's an excuse an addict will come up with to not go to a meeting?

What's an excuse an addict will come up with to not do service?

What's an addicts favorite step?

What's an addict's favorite Informational Pamphlet (IP)?

Name something you would take with you to your sponsor's house to do stepwork?

When would someone be eligible to be a sponsor?

What's an addicts favorite NA book?

Most commonly mispronounced words by new members...

How many people are in an addict's network?

Favorite reading at a meeting?

Name another manifestation of the disease other than drugs?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.  You've helped brighten an addict's day.  Much love.

The "submit" button is below the event flyer.



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