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Get Involved In Narcotics Anonymous Service

NA members can begin be of service to Narcotics Anonymous in a variety of ways. Two of the ways to become involved is by either attending a Heart of Tennessee Area Service Committee Meeting, or, by attending one of our Fellowship Development  Committee Meetings.

General Area service is designed as a place in which the Administrative Committee of the Area,  Group Service Representatives whom represent the Groups of the Area, and other interested members of NA meet once per month to discuss ways to help our Groups fulfill their primary purpose as a Group in carrying the message of Narcotics Anonymous to the addict who still suffers.

The Heart of Tennessee  Area Service Committee meets at 1:30 PM on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Real Life Community Church, 2200 E. Main St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130

The Fellowship Development Committee meets on the Saturday before the monthly Area Service Committee meeting. At these business meetings you will find discussion on how the HOT Area can best carry the lifesaving message of Narcotics Anonymous through, Public Relations, Hospitals And Institutions, Activities and Events, and Outreach. They also meet at Real Life Community Church, 2022 E, Main St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130 at 1:30 PM.

All members of the Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship are welcome to attend and offer input and support to either the monthly Area Service Committee meeting, or, the Fellowship Development Committee meeting and be a part of their efforts.

If you would like more information about HOT Area service, please reach out to the Area Chairperson at

If you would like more information about Fellowship Development, please reach out to the Fellowship Development Committee Chairperson at